Stephen Williams

Name: Stephen Williams
Pronouns: he/him/his
Affiliation: The Oasis Centre

I am a Community Centre and Project manager working in the Bassetlaw area of North Nottinghamshire in the UK. I am married to Annette and have 3 children and 3 grandchildren.  I have had a very varied career starting in graphic Design and Visual Communication, as a Wildlife Artist, in Community work with Schools, children, youth, elderly, gypsy people and have gone on to establish community hubs and centres for activities, groups, events and programmes to take place for people of all ages, needs an interests. I have established a community project space called the OASIS Community Centre & Gardens where over 30 projects exist for people of all ages, needs and interests in a disadvantaged estate community.  We have also developed a 2 acre site called the Oasis Community Gardens which has become an area of biodiversity with over thirty areas of gardens, horticulture or nature space. At OASIS we use Natural sciences and other science activities in many projects including Children’s Science based projects – ‘CURIOSITY KIDS’, ‘Wonderland Workshops’, ‘Nature Quest’ and British Science association Community Projects.  We also use the power of the natural world to bring healing and therapeutic results and outcomes through working in different areas and activities with people with mental health problems, disabilities, special needs and isolation issues.  We have special Science based events annually in British Science Week and I have worked with the Community forum of  the BSA for several years. I have a love for people and seeing those who are marginalised and on the edge of society brought into the centre and the heart of community. I currently work with all ages, but particularly with people in need, homeless, disabled, abused, special needs, elderly, men in crisis and others who are isolated and suffering loneliness.